It is the decision of the Bill Sprague Collection to stop trolls and other nitwits who know nothing about the films to keep their filthy and useless bullcrap between themselves and their doctor, who is full of more bullcrap than anyone. Trolls should not be complaining or showing off their stupidity anywhere, where comments are allowed. Trolls should know that they are being watched at all times and complaining is certainly not inclusive to the Internet Archive. The Bill Sprague Collection absolutely and positively delights in acting as their own moderator to preserve the integrity of online forums. Trolls will be turned into nothing but pooping somnambulists who are nothing but a disgrace to humanity. All trolls should contact Doctor Caligari at the urgent care center for a supply of anti psychotics, tranquilizers and sedatives as well as a nightly enema.
These shows showcase Dean and Jerry at their very best Rest In Peace, Jerry Lewis as well as Rest In Peace, Dean Martin. A Colgate Comedy Hour Of Live TV with Dean Martin sand Jerry Lewis.